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SEEMA is the largest multidimensional platform connecting and empowering women of South Asian origin globally. SEEMA Magazine inspires women of South Asian origin to become leaders of their community through content and events that empower and motivate change. SEEMA platforms and SEEMA magazine feature South Asian women leading and breaking barriers all over the world-in arts, politics, academia, food, fashion, philanthropy, business, and STEM. We connect via our website SEEMA.COM, our magazine SEEMA Magazine, our TV show Sundays with SEEMA TV Show, our Weekly Edition SEEMA WEEKLY our app SEEMA App, a twice-weekly newsletter, daily social media (@seemanetwork) as well as networking and philanthropy events. Our goal is to convene a strong leadership community of successful South Asian women—similar to the Fortune’s most powerful women—showcase the accomplishments and contributions of South Asian Women in US, UK, Europe and Australia, promote sisterhood amongst the diaspora, stimulate entrepreneurship, and curate specialty products made by Indian female-owned businesses. Our mission also includes SEEMA4GOOD, which focuses on doing good through awards, scholarships, and grants for women and girls to pursue their dreams and empower the next generation of female Indian leaders.

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